


Injectable OntologySearchService responsible for search result computations




filter(value: string)

Searches the ontology with the search-term

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value string No

the search term

an array of search-results

formatLabel(label: string, searchValue: string)

Formats label based on where the search-term was found in the OntologyTreeNode

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
label string No

label or first synonym-label of OntologyTreeNode which has the search-term

searchValue string No


Returns : string[]

an array in the form of [prefix, search-term, suffix]

getChildren(node: OntologyTreeNode)
Decorators :

Fetches the children of an ontology node. Note: This can be called without a reference to this.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
node OntologyTreeNode No

The node for which to get children.

Returns : OntologyTreeNode[]

An array of children, empty if the node has no children.

getIndexOfMatch(label: string, searchValue: string)

Gets index of match in the ontology label

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
label string No

the provided ontology node label or synonym label

searchValue string No

the searched text in lower case

Returns : number

the index of the match in the label

setTreeModel(treeModel: OntologyTreeModel)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
treeModel OntologyTreeModel No
Returns : void


Public Readonly nodes$
Default value : this.treeModel$.pipe(map((state) => Object.values(state.nodes)))

All nodes in the ontology tree.

Public Readonly rootNode$
Default value : this.treeModel$.pipe(map((state) => state.nodes[state.root]))

Root node of the ontology tree.

import { Immutable } from '@angular-ru/common/typings';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { bind } from 'bind-decorator';
import { OntologyTreeModel, OntologyTreeNode } from 'ccf-database';
import { at } from 'lodash';
import { Observable, ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

 * Search result interface type for the search results
export interface SearchResult {
  /** ensures order of search-results */
  index: number;

  /** label to be displayed in the view */
  displayLabel: string[];

  /**  instance of OntologyTreeNode, provides data associated with a search result */
  node: OntologyTreeNode;

 * Injectable OntologySearchService responsible for search result computations
export class OntologySearchService {
  private readonly treeModel$ = new ReplaySubject<OntologyTreeModel>(1);
  private treeModel!: OntologyTreeModel;

  /** All nodes in the ontology tree. */
  public readonly nodes$ = this.treeModel$.pipe(map((state) => Object.values(state.nodes)));

  /** Root node of the ontology tree. */
  public readonly rootNode$ = this.treeModel$.pipe(map((state) => state.nodes[state.root]));

  setTreeModel(treeModel: OntologyTreeModel): void {
    this.treeModel = treeModel;

   * Searches the ontology with the search-term
   * @param value the search term
   * @returns an array of search-results
  filter(value: string): Observable<SearchResult[]> {
    return this.nodes$.pipe(map((nodes) => this.lookup(nodes, value.toLowerCase())));

   * looks up ontology nodes and composes search results
   * @param nodes Ontology nodes
   * @param searchValue search text in lower case
   * @returns search results
  private lookup(nodes: Immutable<OntologyTreeNode>[], searchValue: string): SearchResult[] {
    const searchResults = new Map<string, SearchResult>();

    if (nodes) {
      nodes.forEach((node) => {
        const condition = node.label.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue);

        if (condition && !searchResults.get( {
          searchResults.set(, {
            index: this.getIndexOfMatch(node.label, searchValue),
            displayLabel: this.formatLabel(node.label, searchValue),
            node: node as OntologyTreeNode,
        } else {
          const match = node.synonymLabels.find((label) => label.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue));

          if (match && !searchResults.get( {
            searchResults.set(, {
              index: this.getIndexOfMatch(`${node.label} (${match})`, searchValue),
              displayLabel: this.formatLabel(`${node.label} (${match})`, searchValue),
              node: node as OntologyTreeNode,

    return Array.from(searchResults.values());

   * Gets index of match in the ontology label
   * @param label the provided ontology node label or synonym label
   * @param searchValue the searched text in lower case
   * @returns the index of the match in the label
  getIndexOfMatch(label: string, searchValue: string): number {
    return label.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue);

   * Formats label based on where the search-term was found in the OntologyTreeNode
   * @param label label or first synonym-label of OntologyTreeNode which has the search-term
   * @param searchValue search-term
   * @returns an array in the form of [prefix, search-term, suffix]
  formatLabel(label: string, searchValue: string): string[] {
    const index = this.getIndexOfMatch(label, searchValue);
    return [
      label.slice(0, index),
      label.slice(index, index + searchValue.length),
      label.slice(index + searchValue.length),

   * Fetches the children of an ontology node.
   * Note: This can be called without a reference to `this`.
   * @param node The node for which to get children.
   * @returns An array of children, empty if the node has no children.
  getChildren(node: OntologyTreeNode): OntologyTreeNode[] {
    const nodes = this.treeModel?.nodes ?? {};
    return at(nodes, node.children);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""